Trainer Name

Alex Genadinik

Skill Area

Digital Technologies and Digital Transformation


4.6 (557 Rating)

Course Requirements

Be excited and inspired to get in early on the future of SEO and ride the wave of rapid growth!

Course Description

Voice search is one of the most rapidly segments of search overall. In 2021, it is over 50% of all search will be done through voice!! Get in on this now!

What that means for business owners and marketers is that now is the time to jump on this SEO strategy so that you can get ahead of all the other marketers.

Don't allow the usual to happen where you are late to the game. Are you late to the game on Bitcoin? Late to the game on Google typed SEO where everything is crowded? Late on the game on affiliate marketing? Late on the game in mobile apps?

Well, don't be late to the game anymore. It is still relatively early in the Google voice SEO space, but you have to get in now.

Don't be the person saying "I knew about this early on" five years from now. Instead, be the person saying "I did it 5 years ago, and now I have traffic and sales from it."

Course Outcomes

1. You will be able to rank in more voice and local searches

2. You will be able to get more traffic by targeting different searches made through voice

3. Take advantage of Smart Home device searches

4. Rank higher in Google for more searches

5. Position your marketing for tomorrow's winning strategies

Course Curriculum

1 Voice SEO Welcome Video_sept 2020.mp4

2 Two Types Of Devices For Voice Search edited 2020 Nicer Shorter April 2021_lessbeep.mp4

3 Three Types Of Searches In Voice Search Nicer Shorter April 2021_nobeeps.mp4

4 Introduction To Answer Box SEO nobeep_shorter April 2021.mp4

5 More Full Content Strategy For Voice SEO edited 2020.mp4

6 Local Voice Search SEO edited 2020 shorter.mp4

7 Ecommerce Example For Voice Search edited 2020 nobeeps.mp4

8 Micro data And Structured Data_edited 2020.mp4

9 CNET Article With Topics nobeeps.mp4

10 Pro And Con About Answer Box edited 2020.mp4

11 Voice SEO Exercise.mp4

12 Voice SEO Exercise Answers.mp4

13 Extra Mobile Website Tips edited 2020.mp4

14 Voice SEO Exercise edited 2020.mp4

15 Full And A gressive Voice SEO Content Strategy.mp4

16 Keyword Exercise Fo rVoice Search.mp4

Learner Feedback

Voice SEO


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