Content Provider


Trainer Name

LC Ong

Skill Area

Leadership or Organisational Development


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Course Requirements

  • Learners must assume roles related to training, human resources, or organisational development
  • Learners may need a background in human resources, organisational development, or a related field
  • Understanding of organisational structures, employee roles, and performance management may be beneficial

Course Description

Understanding the importance of training needs analysis in organisational development is crucial for individuals involved in training, human resources, or organisational enhancement. This understanding allows management to collaboratively agree upon and implement specific training initiatives. Acknowledging that training and development are investments in the organisation's human capital, it becomes essential to assess the return on investment for these efforts. The second half of the programme covers training coordination for both in-person training and virtual workshops. 

Course Outcomes

  • gain a comprehensive understanding of training needs analysis
  • learn practical techniques for data collection and analysis
  • acquire skills in designing and coordinating effective training programmes
  • develop strategies for overcoming common challenges in training coordination
  • able to coordinate training workshops effectively for both in-person and virtual

Course Curriculum

1 Pre-Test

Welcome to the Training Needs Analysis and Coordinating Training Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your understanding of key concepts related to this course. Please read each question carefully and select the most appropriate answer.

2 Introduction

In this lesson, you will have an understanding of TNA, the need to conduct a TNA and the common TNA techniques.

1 The TNA Procedure

In this video, you will explore a detailed walkthrough of the TNA procedure.

2 Gathering Data

In this lesson, you will explore gathering data through surveys, interviews, and observations in conducting a TNA.

3 Stakeholders and Their Roles

In this lesson, you will identify key stakeholders and define their roles in the TNA process.

1 Identifying Skill Gas and Competencies

In this lesson, you will learn how to identify skill gaps and competencies in TNA.

2 Prioritising Training Needs

In this lesson, you will learn steps for prioritising training needs based on organisational goals to ensure that training initiatives are aligned with the strategic objectives of the organisation.

1 Designing TNA Surveys

In this lesson, you will get some tips for designing effective TNA surveys and questionnaires.

2 Developing a TNA Report

In this lesson, you will learn how to develop a well-structured TNA report.

3 TNA Report Template

TNA report template.

1 The Role of a Training Coordinator

In this lesson, you will explore the key responsibilities and functions of a training coordinator.

2 Setting Up Training Calendars and Schedules

In this lesson, you will learn how to set up a well-structured training calendar, ensure that training activities are organised, efficient, and align with the organisation's goals and employee availability.

1 Translating TNA Findings into Training Objectives

In this lesson, you will learn how to translate TNA findings into training objectives.

2 Selecting Training Methods and Contents

In this lesson, you will learn how to select appropriate training methods and contents.

3 Choosing Qualified Trainers

In this lesson, you will be able to select qualified trainers which is crucial for the success of your training programmes.

1 Choosing the Right Delivery Methods

In this lesson, you will learn how to select the right training delivery methods for an engaging, personalise and conducive training environment.

2 Preparing Training Venues and Materials

In this session, you'll gain the skills needed to adeptly set up training spaces and develop materials for delivering impactful training sessions.

3 Incorporate Technology

In this lesson, you will explore how Incorporating technology can enhance the learning experience, improve accessibility, and facilitate training management.

1 An Overview of Virtual Workshop

In this lesson, you will get an overview of virtual workshop.

2 The Role of the Virtual Workshop Coordinator

In this lesson, you will explore the key tasks to note before a virtual workshop, during and post.

3 Checklist and Virtual Workshop Lesson Planning Template

In this lesson, you will plan and ensure smooth execution of virtual workshops

1 Summary of Key Learnings

2 Post-Test

Now that you've covered all topics related to training needs analysis and coordinating training, it's time to test your understanding. Read each question carefully and select the most appropriate answer. Choose only one answer for each question. Good luck!

3 Evaluation Form

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Training Needs Analysis and Training Coordination


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