Trainer Name

Sergey Kasimov

Skill Area

Education, Skills Development or Languages


4.6 (18 Rating)

Course Requirements


Course Description

Creating a course isn't too tricky...the real secret sauce is understanding how to market the heck out of it and set it up smart so that it markets itself and builds your personal platform which is exactly what I'll be teaching you.

Whether your goal is to create your first course and have no idea to start or you're looking to double your sales from your existing courses on the platform this has plenty of meaty tactics for you.

There's plenty of other material on “creating a course" but they felt outdated and I didn't feel like they covered all the tactics available to really crush it on Udemy which is why I created this course.

Whether your goal is to start developing passive income or simply grow your thought leadership online, this is the course for you.

Course Outcomes

Take your expertise or knowledge and turn that into a highly profitable course
Tweak your course to maximize profits
Leverage Udemy to grow your personal platform (blog, youtube, social media accounts, email list, etc)

Course Curriculum

1 Newbie's Guide to Create and Publish Classes within Udemy
1 Hour 27 Min

Learner Feedback

Newbie's Guide to Create and Publish Classes within Udemy


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