Trainer Name

Abdul Mueed Quazi

Skill Area

Education, Skills Development or Languages


4.6 (4 Rating)

Course Requirements

No requirement

Course Description

"If you know how to get a good start, half of your work is done. You then also can be assured of a good flow and it makes more sense to speak when you know that they’re all ears.

How do we handle the nerves and how do we stand and use our body language? All public speakers or presenters need to accept nervousness as an occupational hazard.

How do we use our voice? And what are the ways we could start a speech to make it more impressive?

What if you could speak your heart out no matter what the count of the audience is?

Can you imagine the positive impact this transformation will have on your personality, career, and social life?

We’ll be addressing these issues in this course.

This session is for:

students who want to excel in their presentation skills and confidence.

Anyone working in the education sector like teachers, trainers, lecturers, etc

Anyone who wants to lead a team like Team Leaders, Managers and Business People

Anyone who is willing to convert the interview into a job offer by showing your public speaking skills.

Attend this course to find what difference you can make in yourself."

Course Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, Learners shall be able to
1) Develop skills on the presentation
2) Assured of a good flow and it makes more sense to speak when you know that they’re all ears

Course Curriculum

1 All You Need To Start An Impressive Speech
1 Hour 10 Min

Learner Feedback

All You Need To Start An Impressive Speech


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